It was the early nineties and upon graduation from University of London’s External Law Degree Programme, it was time to look for a job. I was attached to a market research firm(God knows why!) and stayed for about 2 years. I then went to a major real estate company as a management trainee and joined the legal department as a legal officer. I was brought into the world of real estate. I remember that when I was taking the bus to work, I used to admire people who are driving and thought :”When can I ever own a car I wonder?” But never mind, I enjoy going to work because of the great colleagues that I have and never really thought of a way to achieve buying a car.
I can’t quite remember which incident it was but it seems that one of my friends needed an urgent loan. I wanted to help very much but to my horror, I only have a few thousand dollars in my bank account and could not help very much….I guess it was then that I realised that besides the basics that my job provided, it was very difficult to save any money, not to mention buying a car!
I began to think of a way out to let me have more than just the basics and I saw that the top producers in real estate are doing very well… Some even have flashy cars and earning more than $250,000 per year consistently… You could say that its the greed for money but this is how I decided to give it a go after I realised that I was not cut out for corporate ladder climbing…
And here I am, many years later. Still eagerly learning about properties and everything that interests me…